14 Apr

April Newsletter

for pdf: Quota April Newsletter 2016

The biggest good news is probably that Barb Whimp is recovering from surgery in Brisbane for a benign tumour in her bowel. She is now at home and doing okay, but not encouraging visitors for a few more days.
Cindy’s Brian had a fall at the Gold Coast while there on holiday, causing damage to one leg. Recovery has been slow, and included surgery at John Flynn Hospital. He was ambulanced from there to Nambour Public Hospital, and is waiting for the wound to heal so he can have a skin graft. Our thoughts are with them both.
Lindy spent the weekend in Sydney, working with daughter Shelly to make an ad for Triumph bras. We look forward to hearing some details!
Lindy is representing the Club (and catching up with friends) at the Kingaroy Changeover this week.
Anyone visiting Barb Barrett could maybe take some home-made soup. She is not eating much but would enjoy a short visit.
Have you all received your invitation to Changeover? Have you given your buddy her invitation? It would be lovely if you could bring your partner or a friend. Money to the April meeting please, $20 per person.
Susan welcomes any donations of linen, pots and pans for the Noosa Shelter.
We have another sausage sizzle at Bunnings Noosaville on April 30 so please let Lorraine R know which shift you can help fill.
The invitation to join the Welcome Committee for Convention 2016 has been sent out. If you are going to Convention in Brisbane and would like to be on the committee, please respond with the info requested.
Please start bringing in good quality grocery items to put in a basket as main prize at our High Tea in June.
Our visitors tonight are from STEMM – Supporting Teenagers with Education, Mothering & Mentoring.This program has been running successfully for some years now, and we support them financially, so it will be good to hear their stories.
Diary D Dates
Craft at Ann’s place on Fridays, unless otherwise notified
Book Group next Tuesday 2pm at Ursula’s or as notified
Changeover April 26, 2pm at Coolum Beach Hotel (private room)
Sausage Sizzle Bunnings Noosaville Saturday April 30

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